美國Safeway宣佈使用負責任漁法捕獲的水產品率先在北美販售標榜使用負責任漁法捕撈的鮪魚製作罐頭之美國零售業龍頭Safeway宣佈,年底前鰹鮪罐頭(塊狀白肉)將全面取材使用負責任圍網漁法捕獲的水汽車借款產品。Safeway表示此舉乃呼應消費者對永續但品質不打折扣水產品的需求。拒絕購買FAD(人工集魚器)捕獲的鮪魚係Safeway實現幾年前響應地球島協會推動鮪魚「保護海豚安全」的承諾,亦為致力推動鮪魚買屋網罐頭原料來源確由負責任漁法捕獲的工作之一。Safeway另正著手引進使用負責任漁法的先進延繩釣漁船所捕獲的長鰭鮪。Safeway鄭重宣示與漁業界、政府機構、區域性漁業管理組織、非政府組織及科學家褐藻醣膠合作改善鮪魚資源管理的決心。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 3/2012,15 Feb.y 2012) USA: Giant retailer group Safeway Inc. has announced that its canned skipjack brand 酒店經紀(chunk-light) will be sourced from free-school purse-seine methods by the end of the year. Safeway brand "responsibly caught" tuna is the first brand in North America to make this 關鍵字行銷important move. The company said the new sourcing policy is an important step in addressing consumers’ demand for more sustainably sourced product without compromising quality. 長灘島Safeway's move to eliminate FAD-caught tuna is part of its effort to make its branded tuna across the shelf stable category more responsibly sourced and to also enhance the 小型辦公室company's "Dolphin Safe" tuna commitments made years ago to Earth Island Institute. Safeway is in the process of instituting additional specifications for responsibly sourced 房屋貸款albacore tuna caught on long line vessels with improved fishing techniques. Safeway has now made clear its intention to work with the fishing industry, governments, Regional 酒店經紀Fisheries Management Organizations, NGOs and scientists to improve tuna resources management.

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